Prepare Engaging, not Discouraging, Performance Review Phrases

Prepare Engaging, not Discouraging, Performance Review Phrases

One tradition that businesses have a hard time either mastering or getting rid of is the employee performance review. Whether it’s an annual executive performance review or a scheduled, self-performance review, examples of good and bad ways to go about this are all over the internet. Without proper planning of performance review phrases before the

How Churches Can Benefit from a Training Plan Template

How Churches Can Benefit from a Training Plan Template

When it comes to houses of worship, it could be easy to forget how much work goes on behind the scenes to make things run smoothly. While churches ultimately answer to a boss above other bosses, there are still employees that open the doors on Sunday mornings. This training plan template can become indispensable for churches

Where Corporate Training Software Fails

Everywhere around the internet people have been claiming that corporate training is failing for different reasons: learners themselves aren’t disciplined enough to follow-up or managers don’t care to follow-up, both of which are false. Corporate training is still failing, but it doesn’t have to be. Many people and companies alike believe that with a traditional

Aim for the Cloud With Web-Based Training Software

The cloud. That word and idea that has been around for ages, but has recently taken on a new millennial spin. When it comes to “the cloud,” there are two types of people: those who try and find shapes in the sky above them, and those who are busy putting this technological advancement to work

Lessonly API Update

We’ve just updated our API with a couple changes aimed at improving its lesson organization and reporting capabilities. Each of these updates came as a result of your much appreciated feedback, so please keep it coming. Individual Reporting and Assigning Individual lessons and entire courses can now be assigned to a single learner’s account through

Sales Training Software for Flash Sales

Whether it’s Black Friday, Cyber Monday, President’s Day, or just a day where you’re feeling generous, flash sales can revitalize a company’s income statement or take your sales numbers through the roof. Before the phones are ringing off the hook, the chat tabs are spread across two windows, and the shipping-label printer runs out of

Popular Learning Management Systems Save Time

popular learning management systems

For most businesses, the idea of training employees is not a hard sell. In a perfect world, there would be plenty of time in the day to accomplish all the regular work tasks while also finding time for professional development. The reality is, online training and elearning takes time to plan, create, and distribute. When

Where to Start With Sales Enablement Software

Where to Start With Sales Enablement Software

Sales enablement seems to remain the elusive, and often mysterious elephant in the room lately. Everyone’s scrambling to do it, but we still can’t seem to come to an agreed-upon definition for what sales enablement actually is. But hey, that’s why you’re here, right? We’ve put together a few tips for anyone looking to start