Introducing the Learning Library

Our new Learning Library will change the way you think about managing knowledge in your company. Until now, there has been a disconnect between learning and knowledge management. Required learning has lived in your learning software while other useful, non-required learning content was hidden somewhere in your internal wiki or knowledge base. Many of our clients

Start Customer Service Reps Off Right With Employee Onboarding Software

Start Customer Service Reps Off Right With Employee Onboarding Software

For companies with dedicated customer service teams, the importance of training is usually well-understood. Customer service representatives are the front lines when products or services malfunction or underperform. These emotional interactions with customers can be hard for some people to work with, but proper training through an employee onboarding software can do wonders to help

Science of Learning

Science of Learning

To see the entire series: Attention Encoding Storage Retrieval Have you ever crammed the night before a test only to find your final score wasn’t so hot? We’ve been there, too. Turns out, a lot of the notions we have about studying and learning often don’t align with how our minds actually work. Here at

Training Methods for Remote Team Members

Remote Workers Need Better Enablement

Not too long ago, business travel took employees places far from headquarters. However, at the end of it all, you always came back to work. This makes training and onboarding easy with every member of a team in the same building, but how do you train remote employees? Traveling sales representatives and other far-flung team

Best Online Training Software for Small Businesses

The life of a small business can be a tough one at times. Tight budgets and small operations don’t always lend themselves toward extra money to be invested in anything frivolous. However, one variable remains constant from grilled cheese food trucks to hand-crafted lawn chairs — employees. Team members need training at every job and

Gamification in Learning Software is the Means, not the End

Currently rampant throughout the online learning software industry are efforts to reward users with points, trophies, and virtual achievements for various activities. Spurred on by the effects of our social media-driven world, these virtual “Atta-boys!” are being used to pull users into software time and time again, but is the point being lost? What good