World-Class Training: Powered by Lessonly

Classy builds software that helps nonprofit organizations raise more money online. As if their dedication to people and causes around the world wasn’t already inspiring enough, Classy is equally committed to developing and growing their own team. Classy became a Lessonly customer when they realized they needed a solution to better train and enable their

Online Training Software

Build Virtual Training with Online Training Software Online training software, also known as e-learning software or computer-based training software, enables organizations to train and share knowledge with their teams online. Online training software makes it easy to build, deliver, and track training efforts through one easy-to-use online platform. Old-school online training platforms are notoriously inefficient


Increases Engagement and Retention with Fun and Functional Sales Training “Lessonly allows us to have feedback loops and see how well our team is performing. Having insights on how well they’re doing is a game-changer in terms of performance and training management.” —Brad Chrisakis Sales Manager and Product Trainer, Classy The Challenge Classy, an online

Make Learning for Learners, Not for Compliance

In today’s workplace, more and more companies recognize building engaging team learning as a necessity, but the question often becomes, “what should that learning look like?” We wanted to spell things out a little more clearly: do this when building team learning, and don’t do that. These best (and worst) practices can shape the framework

The New Lessonly for Chrome: Unrivaled Access to Learning

Sales, support, and growing teams need a seamless way to search for essential job information. But traditional LMSs or information databases often fail to provide the context for employees to apply this information to their daily work. That’s where Lessonly for Chrome really shines—providing the learning context necessary to help teams turn company knowledge into

Train Your Customer Support Team on These Metrics

A customer support team isn’t ready to be the point of contact between customers and your brand until they have the right tools for the job. The most effective tools come in the form of customer service metrics—actionable data that offers a clear picture of your team. This includes factors such as work volume, team