Want to Transform your Sales Team? Go Agile.

Oscar Wilde claimed that “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” As a sales leader, consider the truth of this nugget when developing your team. If you’re not sure how to best help the team or an individual rep reach the next level, look around you for inspiration and best practices. Sometimes, that inspiration comes

Let Employees Learn on Their Terms, Not Yours

Today, more and more companies recognize the importance of engaging team learning. But a logical question often is, “What should that learning look like?” This series of blogs spells things out pretty clearly: do this when building team learning, and don’t do that. These best (and worst) practices provide a framework for effective and engaging

Fostering Cognitive Diversity on your Support Team

These days, it’s commonplace for business leaders of all departments to employ personality tests when building their team: Myers-Briggs, DISC, Predictive Index, the list goes on. However, these personality tests are not the end-all-be-all solution for support team managers. A team of individuals that nails down customer problems in an efficient manner needs to think

The Official Saastr Podcast dubs Lessonly “one of the fastest growing startups not in Silicon Valley.”

This week, our CEO Max Yoder joined Harry Stebbings on The Official Saastr Podcast to discuss Lessonly’s journey as a SaaS company. We were honored to hear Harry label us “one of the fastest growing startups not in Silicon Valley.” Click here to catch the full episode. You’ll hear Max and Harry discuss: Why we

Incentives are Key to Engaging Employee Training

There are two critical concepts to get employees to buy-in to training: interest and incentive. Without interest, employees will find it hard to concentrate—and without incentive, they’ll find it hard to finish what they start. Finding a balance between learning content that interests employees while helping them learn is a delicate balance, but one that

Prepping for the Holiday Rush: Measure KPIs that Matter

According to the 2016 Global Customer Experience Benchmark, 71.5% of customer support leaders say analytics enable better rep performance; yet, 20% of contact centers don’t measure the benefits of training. As peak season gets closer and closer, priorities shift to preparing for the onslaught of customer calls, emails, and chats. In the midst of this