Embedly Integration

When Lessonly first launched, our lesson-authoring tool supported various image types, rich text, and YouTube videos. This worked well for awhile, but, as our client list has grown, so has the need for a wider array of video-embedding options. Enter Embedly, the make-everything-easier API. With our newest Embedly integration, you can grab videos from, well,

Happy Client: FlexPAC

From afar, it seems like Lessonly is really basic. After using it, I now realize just how much work it must have taken to make it seem basic. I hope you take that as a compliment, because that’s how I mean it. I’ve used plenty of software in my day, and this just works, without

Freedom by Limitation

The fewer choices we have, the happier we’ll be. At least, that’s what modern research suggests. It all seems contrary to the way we’re wired, but if it’s true, we have some big changes to make. From a software perspective, it means product managers and technologists need to do a better job building good decisions into their

The Lessonly Story

In July of 2012, I sat down with Kristian Andersen, Mike Fitzgerald, and Eric Tobias to work through the first Lessonly wireframes. That’s me in the picture, in the room where Lessonly was born. We started with a simple premise: If we can create affordable and easy-to-use software that helps our clients build, distribute, and

"Those crazy kids"

Those crazy kids over at @lessonlyapp are building an amazing business and doing it the right way. http://t.co/1rLux0zpL9 #jobs #indy — Eric Tobias (@erictobiasIN) October 10, 2013

Jay Baer + Lessonly

I’ve mentioned Jay Baer before; he’s a great guy who daylights as an author, speaker, and business consultant. Jay’s newest book, Youtility: Why Smart Marketing is about Help Not Hype, debuted at #1 on Amazon.com and is now a New York Times Bestseller. Not too shabby, Mr. Baer! Jay is also a Lessonly client and

Hello Smartphone, Meet Lessonly

If you live in the U.S. and own a mobile phone, odds are pretty good it’s a smart one. Nielsen tells us that smartphone penetration among mobile-phone owners hit a staggering sixty-four percent this month, up three percentage points in as many months. I tell you all of this to tee up our latest announcement:

Chief Learning Officer: Is the Future of Learning Bite-Sized?

Chief Learning Officer: Is the Future of Learning Bite-Sized? Miniaturization The distilling of a learning experience into smaller, more easily consumed packages. Modularization Thinking fresh about an organization’s learning portfolio. Break and concentrate long courses into distinct, independent and high-value experiences. Design modules with the participant in mind. Frame experiences to create excitement and a