Practice Is About More Than Perfect

Psychological safety has a lot to do with how vulnerable teammates are with one another. When a person can openly and non-judgmentally share what they need help with, other teammates are more likely to respond in kind. This helps everyone learn faster and Do Better Work

Three Universal Human Needs

I wrote last week about appreciation. As of late, I’ve been captivated by The Thin Book of Appreciative Inquiry. One of Lessonly’s customers recommended it to me, and it continues to move and challenge me. The “thin book” descriptor is accurate: It’s just sixty pages. But what it lacks in thickness, it makes up for in content.

I’m Tired, You’re Lazy

The Fundamental Attribution Error is a psychosocial phenomenon that affects everyone with a pulse. It’s what happens when you attribute your own errors to your circumstances and the errors of others to their character.

On Fighting Fairly

It is entirely human to feel tension and conflict in high-growth environments—in fact, tension is a naturally occurring phenomenon. But teams that are able to disagree, lean into the tension, and healthily work towards a solution have an under-appreciated superpower.