What Matters is Blooming

As a society, we herald those people who bloom ahead of our expectations. We’re amazed by the 10-year-old in the pre-calculus class, the 32-year-old director of the Oscar-winning film, and the 24-year-old city council member with presidential aspirations.

Is your Family Frantic?

I just finished reading Three Big Questions for a Frantic Family by Patrick Lencioni. I am a Lencioni fan, so I was grateful when I received the book as a wedding present. The long and short of the book is this: We often don’t run our families like we run our work. The vision, focus, and planning

A Failure, Until He Wasn’t

F. Scott Fitzgerald and Sinclair Lewis were contemporaries in the 1920s. Fitzgerald lives on as the author of the “Great American Novel” The Great Gatsby, a book that continues to inspire modern literature and blockbuster films. Lewis lives on in relative obscurity. In their time, it was a far different story. Fitzgerald struggled both critically and

Do You Suffer From Decision Fatigue?

Do You Suffer From Decision Fatigue? The very act of making decisions depletes our ability to make them well. So how do we navigate a world of endless choice? Often, decision-making is learning and learning is decision-making. This read is a must-read for all of you who want to be better teachers and learners. One

Freedom by Limitation

The fewer choices we have, the happier we’ll be. At least, that’s what modern research suggests. It all seems contrary to the way we’re wired, but if it’s true, we have some big changes to make. From a software perspective, it means product managers and technologists need to do a better job building good decisions into their