Brighter Indy

Let's make the future brighter. Brighter Indy is our effort to support the growth and development of kids in the Circle City. We use our time, talent, and finances to support local nonprofits that provide meaningful learning experiences for kids and make our city brighter. Apply for a grant Our commitment DONATE a portion of

Top 3 Training and Content Power Combos

Today’s salesforce is busier than ever because today’s buyers are busier than ever. Potential customers are autonomous, in-the-know, and bringing their ever-increasing expectations to the market. Regardless of where they’re at in their journey, modern buyers expect immediate communication and prompt service. Additionally, buyers no longer look for vendor validation. They trust the opinions and

Introducing a New Learner Experience: Easy. Powerful. Customizable.

We put learners first. That core value has always been at the heart of Lessonly—it’s one of our top priorities. 1.6 million learners later, our training experience is significantly more powerful—but we’re staying true to our roots. While we’re proud of our existing learner experience, we’ve found some opportunities to significantly improve it. That means

3 Best Practices for Better Call Center Management

As a call center manager, Drew’s responsibilities go far beyond overseeing a team of reps. He’s constantly analyzing data, processes, and systems to make sure the team provides customers with extraordinary service. Managing a call center can be complex and demanding. Managers like Drew have to cut through the noise and figure out the best