Managing your employee skills goes well beyond marking who completed yearly training courses on your mess of an Excel spreadsheet. Tracking skills also goes outside the scope of basic HR software to encompass the dynamic skills your employees need to succeed. Using a skills management software with full functionality, you can track ongoing training, required certifications, and any courses they might need updating.

Choosing the right skills management software has other benefits, as well. If you’re wondering how to improve organizational skills in the workplace and stop wasting time on spreadsheets and skills tracking, this is the answer. With a skills management software that caters to your company’s specific needs, you can get more done with less effort. Auto-logging, automated reminders, completion notifications, and more—right at your fingertips. That’s the power of a skills management software built for you.

Skills database

Building a skills inventory database isn’t easy if you don’t have the right software. And, tracking hundreds (or even thousands) of employees is no walk in the park. A jobs skills database allows you to see every course each employee completed, gathered under an employee’s unique profile. By compiling all the relevant info in one place, you’ll always know who needs more training, who has the skills to take on new tasks, who is eligible for promotion, and which employees you can move to another job role or function.

Working from an employee skills database template, you can customize which skills are considered necessary for each employee. You can just as quickly survey the existing abilities of everyone you task for onboarding. This ability makes standardization across departments and even job roles a breeze. Ensure that veteran employees and new hires alike have the same skills without making anyone sit through boring training meetings. Assign skills courses to employees that they will actually remember once completed. By making each training course relevant and helpful to your employees, you can end the dread that everyone instinctively feels at the words “ongoing training.”

Instead of dragging everyone reluctantly into continuing education, you can assign tasks and check on completion with ease. With the right skills database software, you’ll stay on top of training requirements and see an immediate boost to employee productivity. After all, confident employees have a more positive attitude and perform better at their jobs. Instead of making skills acquisition a dreaded task that everyone puts off until the last minute, you can engage your employees by linking your courses to a direct benefit in their daily work. That means better satisfaction for each employee, and better productivity for your company as a whole.

Organizational skills examples

Many different skills are helpful for every employee in your company to possess. To help your employees embody more organizational skills at work, consider assigning specific core skills to everyone regardless of their department. Such essential developmental skills can include universal traits like time management or more “niche” skills like cold-calling. Here are some examples of skills that you’d like every employee to have.

Time management

Making the most of your time can reduce stress and increase your overall productivity. No matter your job description, learning how to manage your time efficiently can reduce stress and increase your job satisfaction. It will also improve workflow, raise company profitability, and make employees less likely to feel put-upon. Happy employees are less likely to change jobs, reducing employee churn.

Task prioritization

Organizing your tasks by due date or another form of priority can reduce the occurrence of last-minute cramming and curb on-the-job stress. This skill is not only better for your company’s efficiency, but results in more confident employees who feel more equipped to fill their daily roles. Again, preparing your employees to address workflow challenges is essential to keeping them engaged and excited to come to work.


Knowing when to ask for help is an essential aspect of leadership, and teamwork among your employees is critical to everyone’s success. Knowing when and how to hand off tasks to qualified associates is vital to building team rapport and empowering everyone who works for you. Empowered employees feel valued, remain interested in their jobs, and have greater loyalty than those who don’t.


Even if an employee’s role doesn’t face your customers, they’re still part of your company’s public image. Knowing how the sales process works can dramatically impact areas you wouldn’t think are related. By understanding the customer journey, your employees can gain a deeper understanding of the pain point you are trying to solve for your customers. This understanding will help them realize how integral they are to the business as a whole.


Sometimes, a project isn’t finished simply because you’ve turned it in. A sales lead isn’t final until the money hits the company bank account. Knowing how and when to follow-up can prevent things from falling through the cracks and eliminate missed opportunities. There’s a method to getting a positive response, however—and nagging rarely succeeds. Sending well-worded reminders or asking if someone needs assistance can mean the difference between lagging sales and a stellar customer service experience.


It’s always a good idea to cultivate leadership skills in all of your employees. By widening your pool of candidates for promotion, you can increase your chances of being able to promote-from-within. By offering critical managerial skills to all of your employees, you reinforce that you value them as potential future leaders, increasing employee loyalty and retention.


Not everyone can brainstorm a new system from scratch, but making minor improvements based on personal experience can have a large impact. Finding system workarounds or ways to eliminate extra steps in a process can benefit the entire company. Cutting corners is bad, but increasing efficiency is good. Encouraging your employees to innovate will make them feel valued and capable, reducing turnover rates throughout your company.

Never stop growing.

Skills mapping software

By implementing skill mapping of employees, you can measure the impact of your curriculum on employee performance. You need a skills mapping software capable of aggregating your available data into a visual chart, showing productivity before and after advanced skills training.

A skills mapping template consists of setting a goal—the skills you’d ideally like an employee in a specific department to possess. Create a schedule for all of your employees to complete their assigned courses until their skills profile is complete. You can measure the impact of their skills acquisition and use it to adjust the skills you assign in the future.

This skills mapping exercise shouldn’t be either frustrating or difficult. The right software tools will empower your managers, team leaders, and employees alike to stay on top of ongoing education. By engaging employees in the process from the ground up, you can eliminate the need to hound your workforce for course completion and reduce missed deadlines. By providing each member of your team with a personal portal to access the skills training modules, you give them a sense of autonomy that seminars just can’t offer.

Skills mapping software does far more than just track employee skills. It engages your workforce, empowers them to succeed, and improves your bottom line. Automate skills assessment, tracking, and mapping and watch employee retention and performance rates soar.

Manage and level up your team’s skills

We make it easier than ever to track and manage your team’s skill sets. Here’s how:

  • First, we make it easy to understand each rep’s skills through reflection, observation, and metrics—all in one place.
  • Then, trainers, leaders, and managers can quickly uncover opportunities for coaching and training when a rep needs it most.
  • Then, coaches can build personalized coaching plans to track progress, assign tasks, and achieve business outcomes faster!

That’s right, now you can automate skills assessments, tracking, and training. Click here to schedule a demo with a teammate to learn more.